Let’s have some fun this Juneteenth.

This is the #5Things podcast, a Grey agency program. I had the privilege of co-hosting this years Juneteenth episode. Generally the tone of the show is five things happening in social media that week. However, this format is broken for special moments; Pride Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and you guessed it, Juneteenth. After some agency back and forth we ultimately decided the theme of the episode would be “Five reasons you should quit”. Rather than talking about the persecution of minorities as we are want to do, I wanted to focus on the fun we derive out of our day to day even after we’re exhausted. I hope you like it.

Mix a little freetime and conversations around “what’s the tone deaf Juneteenth thing gonna be this year”, and voila: Cringe Mountain. It says for white people edition but I’ll let you in on a little secret, there have been no other editions. Anyway, feel free to litmus test your friends of a paler complexion.


Copywriter: Me
Co-Host: Jessica Womack
Art Director: Rachel Morgan